Workshops about WordPress and WooCommerce on SKN E-commerce PUEB

Recently, we had the great pleasure to lead a practical workshop on the installation and maintenance of the WordPress and WooCommerce system at the meeting of the Students e-commerce Scientific Circle at the Poznan University of Economics and Business.
The following issues were raised:
  • Technical Requirements,
  • WordPress Installation,
  • System Configuration,
  • WooCommerce Installation,
  • Store Configuration,
  • Creation of Products, subpages, delivery forms, and payments.
We would like to thank those present for coming and for an opinion straight from the Scientific Circle:
“Rafał Chojnacki, a graduate of Poznan University of Economics and Business, currently working as CEO & Founder at SPACE ADS – E-commerce Marketing Agency, Rafał proved himself in the leading role perfectly – each participant learned many practical skills, such as store configuration or creating products, webpages or forms of payment and delivery. “